python whiteprint

Python Whiteprint, generate easily Python projects with (opinionated) best practices.

PyPI PyPI pypi pypi pypi pypi pypi pypi


Source Code:


Ensure that you have git and python3 installed.

Then install the required Python tools:

$ python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pipx
$ pipx install poetry
$ pipx install nox
$ pipx inject nox nox-poetry rich

Eventually install Python Whiteprint:

$ pipx install python-whiteprint


Create a local project

$ whiteprint init <my_project>

Create a GitHub project

$ whiteprint init <my_project> --github-token <my_github_token>

Note that the GitHub token must have repository, workflows and packages permissions.

Yet another Python Project scaffold/cookiecutter/generator?#


This project build upon the excellents cookiecutter-hypermodern-python by @cjolowicz as well as python-blueprint by @johnthagen.

You might want to check these projects as they might be more suited to your needs.

The documentation of this project is heavily inspired from @cjolowicz’s work. We also recommend readings @cjolowicz’s guide on modern Python tooling.

Differences compared to cookiecutter-hypermodern-python#

  • Use copier instead of the cookiecutter project,

  • tweaks in the generated project (non exhaustively: CLI with Typer instead of Click, dynamic type checking with beartype, auto-API documentation),

  • manage licenses with Reuse,

  • more Github Actions and Community Standards and Community Standards,

  • Ruff instead of Flake8 to auto-fix a maximum of code smells,

  • strict linting with pylint,

  • OCI Container images,

  • localization with Babel.